Quiz about Anxiety

What would a heartfelt transformation look like for you?

> Healthier relationship with yourself and others

> Reduced anxiety and mind chatter

> Able to find more joy in your life

> Living in the moment, not worrying about the past or future

> Dropping imposter syndrome, able to take compliments

> Coming to terms with your past

What I offer...

Heartfelt Therapy is rooted in mindfulness
and combines the best elements of gestalt, CBT and person-centred approaches.

Journey of Change - image of a butterfly depicting change

Journey of Change
 to 1 sessions

"Powerful, life-changing"

"Enlightening, focussed on you, practical, insightful, nourishing and expansive." 

Fed up of coping and ready for change? 

Tired of not feeling "enough" or that somehow you missed out on the guidebook for life?


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Meditation; Image of a frog meditating



Meditation is the simplest way to move from a sense of things happening to you into a calmer relationship with yourself and others. Using visualisation, body scan and breathwork techniques this is a great way to nurture mind, body and soul.


Heartfelt meditations are guided and each one is unique. All welcome.

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Mindfulness; images of a sunset over water



Mindfulness practice is the best way to reduce stress, and become more compassionate with yourself and others so that you can live in your moment, leaving behind regrets or resentments from your past and fears for your future.


Heartfelt mindfulness leads from the heart and helps to still your mind. 

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Corporate package; image of a woman in a suit meditating overlooking water at sunrise. Image attribution vecteezy.com

Corporate Package

Supporting your staff's emotional and mental wellbeing is the most effective way to improve the services your company offers.
Increased staff contentment = increased productivity and happier customers and owners.


Heartfelt Change offers courses tailored to the needs of your business.

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Are you ready for your heartfelt transformation?

Why trust me to support you?

The first two decades of my life are a story of abuse and being part of a cult. The next decade was all about escape, recovery and pretending everything was JUUUUUUST fine--I was coping beautifully.

The last two decades have been about allowing memories to come back, acknowledging my emotions, coming to terms with my past. I found my counsellor, my tribe and a sense of purpose --

I trained and gained diplomas and certification in
 counselling, mindfulness, breathwork, stress management techniques and meditation. My life journey and training gives me safe hands to support YOU on YOUR journey.

As one client put it: "Your experience of life shines through. I never feel you are asking me to consider or do anything you have not done yourself."

Let's make this a two way conversation...

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